Get Involved!
It was the the gifted inspirations of the former Governor, Gifford Pinchot, and former Secretary of Forests and Waters, Maurice Goddard, that resulted in the modern state parks system in Pennsylvania. They believed that no Pennsylvanian should be more than 25 miles from a state park. Today, that is nearly true. The geographically linked, state owned facilities known as Jennings Environmental Education Center and Moraine and McConnell’s Mill State Parks in Butler and Lawrence counties are just a part of this state parks system. We at 3MJC work to keep those dreams alive and to make these regional parks the best they can be. Would you like to help?
There are many ways to support your parks and the opportunities they provide. We at 3MJC offer you a variety of ways in which you can directly make a difference in the vitality of our region by supporting the state parks. This is particularly important in these days of belt-tightening budgets.
Join Us!
If our causes and concerns interest you and you would like to become a member, please consider becoming a joining our organization. Members receive a card that gives them 10% off their purchase at the Nature Shop at Jennings and the Owlet Gift Shop at Moraine. Members will also receive access to exclusive members-only events throughout the year and a free welcome gift.
Individual: $12.00
Family/Organization: $18.00
Checks are accepted and can be made payable to 3MJC or Moraine, McConnells Mill, Jennings Commission. You can designate your dues to be used for a specific park or project by including a note with your donation.
Click here for a 3MJC Membership Brochure to print, complete and send to us along with your membership fee.
One of the best ways to help is to make a gift of your time and your special talents. If you can help us by volunteering please let us know your skills and how you can best help your park. Volunteering is such a wonderful opportunity to make use of those skills or that knowledge you don’t get a chance to use during your day-to-day activities. Love to bake? Perhaps you’d like to prepare goodies to help raise funds during a special event. Have a penchant for wildflowers or gardening? The Native Plant and Butterfly Trail can always use an extra pair of hands. Like to meet people? How about working at an information booth during an event? Neatness and orderliness your thing? Maybe you’d like to help clean up various areas.
Below are some of the volunteer opportunities we offer every year, in addition to those associated with our projects like the Muddy Creek Oil Field and the Foltz Schoolhouse.
February: Help out at the Cherry Pie Hike at Jennings by volunteering at our booth.
May: Come on down to help at our aid station for the Glacier Ridge Ultramarathon! Or help with trail maintenance or invasive plant pulls at the parks.
July: Volunteer at the 3MJC booth or help out with various activities at Celebrate the Bloom at Jennings.
Early August: Help at the Moraine State Park Regatta, which is always looking for volunteers.
September: Join us at our booth at the McConnells Mill Heritage Festival for a beautiful autumn day of folk music, park tours, and kettle corn.
To volunteer, send us an email at 3mjcparks@gmail.com to find out specific dates and to learn more ways you can help us Partner with our Parks! We’d love to hear from you!
If you’d prefer to simply give money to a park or a specific park program, that works too! We can direct donations to your favorite park or to a cause within a park. Perhaps you’d like to donate a picnic table, a bench or a tree to environmental education. Perhaps you’d like to help out the Native Plant and Butterfly Trail or help the Muddy Creek Oil Well keep up its operation. Perhaps you have a cause no one’s even thought about. We can guarantee that 100% of your donation will be directed to the purpose you choose. We do not charge for services nor do we have any paid staff. We are all volunteers working to improve our parks. Send your donation to 3MJC, c/o Moraine State Park, 225 Pleasant Valley Road, Portersville, PA 16051. We accept checks made payable to “3MJC”.

“We need the tonic of wildness...At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.”
- Henry David Thoreau